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【一年级小学生作文】我的小卧室(My small bedroom)

[04-24 20:28:30]   来源:http://www.i3xuexi.com  一年级英语说课稿   阅读:9801

[导读] i have a small bedroom, it’s on the second floor in my house. there is a small bed, a table and a nice wardrobe in my room. the bed is on the left side of the table. the wardrobe is on the right, it is very beautiful. there is a lamp and a clock on the table, the lamp is green, the clock looks like an orange, it’s smart.my bedroom is small, but it’s very comfortable.(www.i3xuexi.com)

【一年级小学生作文】我的小卧室(My small bedroom),http://www.i3xuexi.com

  i have a small bedroom, it’s on the second floor in my house. there is a small bed, a table and a nice wardrobe in my room. the bed is on the left side of the table. the wardrobe is on the right, it is very beautiful. there is a lamp and a clock on the table, the lamp is green, the clock looks like an orange, it’s smart.

  my bedroom is small, but it’s very comfortable.


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